About the project

About the project
Roxane Nadeau, 2024

Ever since the first lockdown during the Covid pandemic, I started dreaming systematically about cafés. Not "coffees", which is the drink, but cafés: the places where you can get your bean soup, small sandwiches, and most importantly, enjoy a pleasant talk with the cashier.

Cafés have always been the backdrop of my life transitions, especially when I moved to Montreal at 19 for my studies. I was about six hours away from my hometown and without any friends. But if you go to a café, and have the money for it, you always feel like you have a place and a couple of people to parallel play (or most likely work) with.

The culmination of this gentle obsession is a post I made on Threads a couple of weeks ago about one of my café dreams.

Post by @roxanefutur
View on Threads

But I'd like to amend my plan if I may. I want my writing to foster connection and bring coherence to my life. What I am and what I do is going to take space in my reviews, even if it's not what's most useful to, say, tourists and coffee enthusiasts. I don't want to "give up" on everything. So I'm...

(Not) giving up on everything, and testing every Montréal café

Psst, follow-me on Threads, Mastodon or Instagram.